Days 14 & 15: L’Accademia e Firenze di sopra

Not much description today, as I am currently on a bench outside a cafe with WiFi, it is cold, and my battery is low. While there are internet points all over and I can check e-mail/comments easily enough, I need WiFi to actually upload photos from my laptop and I have had terrible luck finding any that works. Please forgive the irregular schedule lately.

On the 30th I went to the Museum of Archaeology, which included Etruscan burial hordes and pottery, and a whole bunch of Egyptian artifacts, mummies, and papyri; I also managed to reserve a ticket to the Accademia that afternoon, where I saw Michelangelo’s Davide and a whole bunch of other sculptures.

On the 31st, I made the climb up to the Piazzale Michelangelo, where stands a bronze replica of Davide, and from which you can see all of Florence. It’s magnificent.

Looking west, with Ponte Vecchio:

073 pzzale michelangelo

Looking north:


The hills south of Florence:

075 sud

Ponte Vecchio again (I just loved this angle):


Church of Santa Croce on the right:


Anyway, it is officially 2011. Where the heck did the time go? It was a beautifully clear, sunny morning, so I was going to climb the Duomo, but of course the cupola was closed. Instead, I went to the Medici chapel and will hopefully post those photos soon.

Buon’anno, tanti auguri, e ciaociao!